Billy Breaks the Rules CD-Rom

£ 29.95

Billy Breaks the Rules?follows Billy’s life in a substitute care family.

By Les Cowan

SKU: 3-111-K Category: Tags:


Even when it’s all going well, Billy has problems to cope with and overcome – like when he gets caught stealing and has his pocket money cut. What’s he going to do now?

Working with a counsellor, carer or teacher?Billy Breaks the Rules?allows children to deal with issues they find hard to talk about?in a safe and fun environment. Controlling the actions and choices of a character in a computer?game lets a child express their own feelings and fears and experiment with?choices – then apply the issues raised to real life.

Billy Breaks the Rules?has 15 scenes with 3 choices in each, 10 different outcomes with talkabout topics, over 120 cartoon animations, sound effects, high?quality speech, original music and interactivity. The family life issues are equally?relevant to children not in substitute care. All printed text also spoken to?avoid literacy problems.

Ages 8-14

ISBN 978-1-909380-17-2