Few teachers ever receive training in dealing with traumatic incidents and yet they happen. This resource looks at the educational implications following exposure to trauma and offers practical suggestions to teachers who work with traumatically bereaved children. It is intended to help schools by addressing the issues before circumstances force them to deal with the problems. It also suggests a school policy and practice.
Details of the grieving process are included to help teachers gain a better understanding of a child?s needs so that they may be able to better empathise with, and help, bereaved children, and it explores a child?s perspective of death, from preschool to adolescence.
It explains the 4 stages of mourning:
1)The pupil needs to accept the reality of the loss
2)The pupil needs to work through the pain of the grief
3)The pupil needs to adjust to an environment in which the deceased is missing
4)The pupil needs to emotionally relocate the deceased and move on with life
The resource is made up of a number of sections and each one has learning objectives, key questions and lesson plans. The sections include:
- Expressing feelings of anger ? To understand that it is good to have negative feelings at times of trauma
- Expressing feelings of fear ? To understand that it is okay to feel frightened when something bad happens
- Expressing feelings of guilt???To understand that it is okay to feel guilty when something bad happens to others
- Expressing feelings of sadness???To understand that it is okay to feel sad at times of trauma
- Raising pupil awareness of death 1 ? Plants
- Raising pupil awareness of death 2 – Animals
- Raising pupil awareness of death 3 ? People
There are additional materials for teachers, Inset Day training material, a detailed assembly plan, a guide to writing a policy on dealing with traumatic incidents in your school and additional resource sheets.
?ISBN 978-1-907370-43-4
Ages 4-13