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This wonderful set of 23 books covering Inclusion, self-esteem and celebrating differences is a must for all early years and primary schools.

Books in This bundle



Sam Squirrel has ADHD

Harriet’s Expanding Heart

You Are Oh So Horribly Handsome

Twelve Days of Kindness

Mustafa’s Jumper

Double Felix

Bertie’s Bottom

Jessica’s Box

The Worry Warthog

It’s Ok To Feel This Way


Storm Goliath

Saving Piku

What’s In Your Heart Today

What’s In Your Mind Today

Manya Learns To Roar

Flying With Grandpa

Neel On Wheels

Simply Nanju

Kittu’s Very Mad Day

Vibhuti Cat


This wonderful set of 23 books covering Inclusion, self-esteem and celebrating differences is a must for all early years and primary schools.

Diversity and inclusivity is a hot topic and for good reason. Teaching children to have cultural awareness from a very early age is the best way forward to crack those stereotypes and help prevent future classroom racism and bullying.

Culture and diversity is not widely touched on in those early years at preschool. By engaging children in culturally responsive experiences we know that their awareness and inclusion of diverse cultures and beliefs increases. And you can never start too early.

Learning does begin at home, but unfortunately not all parents are aware or even know how to teach diversity. You don’t know what you don’t know, after all.

And with a gap in true diverse content in preschool television programming, and very little in the way of books and toys, parents are limited to the educational resources they have available in the home.

And television is most often the most influential learning medium for this impressionable age.

Preschoolers’ screen exposure to diversity often comes in the forms of tokenistic animal species in varying colours, rather than authentic human characters of different racial, religious, sexual and other backgrounds.

It’s no surprise these young children have limited understanding of cultural unawareness when they start nursery.

So where does this leave Early Years’ practitioners when many children reach their learning environments having never seen that cultural differences even exist?

Thankfully we have the ability to make a difference. Here are a few suggestions on being more culturally inclusive in your nursery settings:

Some of The Books in This Bundle Include

Mustafa’s Jumper

Milo isn t extra clever, or extra naughty, or extra anything. And he doesn t get chosen to do things very often. But when a mysterious new boy, who can t speak any English, joins his class, Milo s curiosity gets the better of him. As he becomes closer to Mustafa, he discovers that the language of friendship is more important than speaking the same words.

Sam Squirrel has ADHD

Sam Squirrel can’t seem to do anything right… he keeps getting in trouble at home, school and with his friends.
But when Sam and his parents finally meet with Dr Kasey, they discover another reason behind Sam’s troubles.

It’s okay to feel this way

A child explores her feelings, naming and describing them, showing it is okay to have a variety of feelings, and that feelings can change depending on the circumstances. With bold, colourful and simple mixed media illustrations, this book encourages self-awareness and self-acceptance.

Jessica’s Box

Jessica’s Box is an award-winning picture book first published in 2008. The story centres on the trepidation that a young girl faces when starting school and her efforts to make friends. Her journey ends when she finally discovers her own magnificent self-worth.