Understand how adolescents experience loss and how to provide help and support.
A wealth of helpful advice, worksheets and suggestions to support young people in their experience of loss in its many forms. Teenagers perceive and experience loss differently from younger children and need support and understanding at home and in school.
This comprehensive resource:
- Explores how adolescents understand & respond to loss.
- Explains the needs of young people facing loss at different stages of grief.
- Provides guidance on monitoring if extra support is needed.
- Contains a toolkit of creative age-appropriate resources exploring feelings, behaviours, thoughts & memories.
- Gives clear guidance on what to say and how to respond to questions and behaviour.
- Is suitable for use in groups or with individuals.
- Can be used alongside the therapeutic book Rory’s Story
Invaluable for teachers, therapists, social care and health professionals, parents and carers.
242pp A4 paperback