The Illustrated Guide to Dyslexia and Its Amazing People

£ 13.99

An engaging visual explanation of dyslexia, what it means,
and how to embrace it. Vibrant images and simple text depict
what dyslexia is, along with helpful tools for learning and
examples of skills and professions best-suited for people
with dyslexia. Includes tips for success, additional games and
learning resources.



Kate Power & Kathy Iwanczak Forsyth
Foreword by Richard Rogers
An engaging visual explanation of dyslexia, what it means,
and how to embrace it. Vibrant images and simple text depict
what dyslexia is, along with helpful tools for learning and
examples of skills and professions best-suited for people
with dyslexia. Includes tips for success, additional games and
learning resources.
“This is a novel, unique and highly informative
illustrated guide to the disadvantages and very many
advantages of those who possess the gift of dyslexia.”
– Dr. Martin Phillips, School & Behavioural Psychologist, Former
Chairman of Hornsby International Dyslexia Centre
Sep 2017 | £13.99 | 7–15 years | 96pp | HB | 96 colour illustrated pages