A vital resource for today’s Internet society, this set of posters outlines and reinforces 8 basic rules for the safe use of chat rooms and social networking sites.
The TOP TIPS are:
Stay anonymous!
Be private!
Want to post a photo?
Want lots of friends?
So you want to meet?
Be happy!
Talk to someone!
Believe .or NOT!
The pack includes:
5, 10 or 15 copies of the Surf Safe A3 colour poster which can be put up around the school in classrooms and strategic spots.
A laminated A4 black-and-white poster that can be photocopied and handed out to pupils.
One, two or three FREE CD-Roms which contain printable A4 copies of the poster and an A4 guide for parents and teachers providing useful websites, information, help and further advice.
Suitable for all ages.
ISBN 978-1-909380-33-2