This Chronic Behaviour Problems DVD demonstrates how to:
- Reduce incidents of chronic misbehaviour in the classroom
- Encourage students to make good decisions about behaviour and return to ‘on-task’ behaviour
- De-escalate, rather than escalate, the situation
- Demonstrate a hierarchy of intervention.
The DVD starts by identifying chronic behaviour problems, those constantly reoccurring problems that are difficult to stop and wear you down as a teacher, challenging your professionalism. Such problems include fidgeting and lack of attention (disruptive and non-disruptive), agitated movement, rudeness, not bringing the right equipment, wearing the wrong uniform, calling out, leaving their seat, interrupting the learning of others by chatting or making physical contact and refusal to comply with clear instructions.
The DVD then continues by exploring a hierarchy of teacher responses to use the least intrusive intervention in the shortest time. These responses include ‘the look’, secret signal, physical proximity (move in/move out), praise proximity, hurdle help, warnings, comply time, antiseptic bouncing, self-calming, timed reminders, rewards and consequences.
Dave also gives the teacher personal tips on being a positive person and explains how that will consequently then get a more positive result from the students. Such tips include positive body language, eye contact, sincerity, voice matching and intonation, verbal language, response style and empathy.
The DVD continues with looking at a problem-solving model and coming up with five different solutions then testing those solutions as to whether in a classroom situation they work, are safe, feel good and are fair.
Next Dave explores the benefits of one-to-one meetings: meeting the student and describing the problem and working with them to find a way forward.
Then finally the DVD concludes with a question-and-answer session with teachers in the audience, giving them suggested strategies for their own personal experiences of chronic behaviour problems.
Ages 11-18
Running time: 90 minutes
ISBN 978-1-907370-03-8
Dave Stott is a leading UK trainer, consultant and author in pupil behaviour management. He believes good behaviour can be taught and that teachers need to be well prepared in their response to any given situation. Formerly a head teacher and Head of Special Provision for Children with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulty, and latterly Head of Behaviour Support Services, Northamptonshire, Dave now specialises in training in emotional literacy, anger management, behaviour, inclusion and reintegration work across all phases, in both mainstream and special education.